Deadlifting and the Point of Diminished Return

The point of diminished return refers to the point where getting better at any certain exercise provides little or no benefit to the body.

For me, deadlifts are the first exercise that comes to mind when discussing this phenomenon. Now, not for a second am I suggesting that deadlifts are not vital, they are. But there comes a point where adding 5-10kg to beat your latest deadlifting PR is simply a poor use of your energy and time.

Unless you are actively competing in a sport that will benefit from having a massively heavy deadlift, namely powerlifting and Olympic lifting, I can see very little point in having a deadlift that is any heavier than 2.25 x Bodyweight for a one rep max for males or 1.25-1.5 x Bodyweight for a one rep max for females.

To speak of the general population who are NOT competing in either of the aforementioned sports above, the vast majority of people I meet who have deadlifts heavier than 2 x their bodyweight, tend to be neglecting some other vital aspects of their health and fitness.

Morevover, they often have achieved these numbers through the neglect of other areas of even their strength. It is not uncommon for me to see people in the gym hit 180kg plus for reps, but require a green band for a handful of pull ups. For me, this shows a lack of priorities and intelligent programming.

Don't fall victim to the notion that you must have the heaviest deadlift possible, there are other areas of your body that deserve your attention.


The Importance of Work Capacity in the Gym


Knees over toes, bad or good?⁠ ⁠