Strength Measurement Charts

Muscle strength is often measured through the performance of a one-repetition maximum in any given exercise (1 Rep Max/1RM).

To know your 1 Rep Max in each of the 4 compund exercises listed below is vital, as we already are aware that lifting at 70-80% of this weight is the most efficient way to build joint mobility.

Don’t believe me? Check out my article “Looking to develop your mobility? Well, for the love of God, stop stretching!” to see the science behind this.

Below, are listed the 4 most important compound exercises;

•the Barbell Squat,

•the Barbell Deadlift,

•the Barbell Shoulder Press

•the Pull Up.

4 Compound exercises. Not 4 stretches.

If these exercises can be performed for 1 repetition at the Novice Standard indicated below in the charts, then the individual's relevant joints will be sufficiently mobile and supported by the appropriate amount of musculature.

Likewise, if any of the below exercises can be performed successfully, and correctly with a full Range of Motion (RoM), at the Novice Standard indicated below, then the individual will be in accordance with their own bodies Optimal Standard of Physical Strength.

What do the strength standards mean?

Problematically Weak

0-5% Percentile

Anything below Beginner Standard listed below is considered problematic as it indicates there is not enough physical strength or physical activity levels to maintain efficient bio-mechanical movement patterns, posture, joint stability and joint mobility.

As the muscle is not strong enough to maintain bio-mechanical efficiency, over time issues are sure to arise such as poor posture, poor joint mobility levels, joint pain (knee pain, lower back pain, shoulder/neck pain), osteoporosis, obesity, and most importantly, a poorer quality of life overall.


5-20% Percentile

Stronger than 5% of lifters. A beginner lifter can perform the movement correctly and has practiced it for at least a month.


20-50% Percentile

Stronger than 20% of lifters. A novice lifter has trained regularly in the technique for at least six months.


50-80% Percentile

Stronger than 50% of lifters. An intermediate lifter has trained regularly in the technique for at least two years.


80-95% Percentile

Stronger than 80% of lifters. An advanced lifter has progressed for over five years.


95-100% Percentile

Stronger than 95% of lifters. An elite lifter has dedicated over ten years to become competitive at strength sports.

Strength Charts PDF

As based on over 19 million males and females.

As based on over 18 million males and females.

As based on over 4 million males and females.

As based on over 4 million males and females.


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