What is 360 Movement?

360 Movement is an approach to training that encompasses all forms of physicality such as strength, mobility, speed and endurance.

I believe that a healthy body is also an aesthetic body.

With this approach in mind, I ensure you reach your ideal bodyweight goal and image while simultaneously improving your health, fitness and performance.

Hello, my name is Simon Griffin

I have over 10 years experience training which has consisted of everything from bodybuilding and rugby, to yoga and powerlifting. I have always enjoyed my physicality and being active, but naturally I got bored of these methods of training once I hit the point of diminished return. So I branched out, each branch leading me down a further path of physical challenges.

I learned many things while training so many alternate forms of physicality.

I learned how to develop my confidence through powerlifting, to calm my mind with yoga and to shake some cobwebs, so to speak, with rugby.

But none of this was enough. I wanted to express myself that bit further. I wanted to see could my physicality be incorporated into my sense of self. Could physical challenges and struggles help me to overcome some more metaphysical challenges in life?

I’m still answering that question today.


However, these experiences have allowed me to formulate my own approach to training.

A holistic, grounded and above all, individualised approach to training that engages with physicality from all directions.

Welcome to 360 Movement.

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